Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Let there be light.

I had limited working hours today due to the shit weather that rolled through around noon. Some day Ill have the maturity to maintain 7am to noon 'Bonawitz' style hours... but not yet.

Anyways, I did manage a few quality hours in the PM; consequently I'm finally happy with the overall color scheme of the piece. I did something today I hadn't done in YEARS: I mixed colors primarily from black and white. I feel dirty... but it worked. Colors are ultimately going to be very life like in the piece, which I think makes the most of the primaries in the PBR cans and the paint tubes. Ill let you in on a dirty little secret: the yellow tube is actually cobalt blue.

I've also started sharing this blog automatically via notes on Facebook. I hope people find it interesting enough to read!

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