Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mmmmmm... more light.

So I added some early morning direct sunlight. Unfortunatey, I haven't been able to make it onto the studio at 9am for quite a while, so the addition was mostly an invention. I think its a step in th right direction; but I would have greatly preferred to have been working from life in this instance. I'll let the public be the judge.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Painting a paintbrush.

How lame is that? I think I would have rather impaled myself with it. Also, the working title of this painting is 'Primarily Bullshit'. Get it?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The only blue ribbon you'll ever find on this painting

Today was another short day, partly because of the lack of light and partly because I was playing cabby for my mother, who had a minor surgical procedure today. Still, I made some progress, mostly with the banana.and the pbr cans. Although I repainted the Barbie on her back, the colors don't work and will need to be toned down. I may put her in a red dress to compliment the yellow banana.... which, I should note, is now looking very past it's prime. Careful what you touch Barbie, that shit looks a bit sketchy!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Let there be light.

I had limited working hours today due to the shit weather that rolled through around noon. Some day Ill have the maturity to maintain 7am to noon 'Bonawitz' style hours... but not yet.

Anyways, I did manage a few quality hours in the PM; consequently I'm finally happy with the overall color scheme of the piece. I did something today I hadn't done in YEARS: I mixed colors primarily from black and white. I feel dirty... but it worked. Colors are ultimately going to be very life like in the piece, which I think makes the most of the primaries in the PBR cans and the paint tubes. Ill let you in on a dirty little secret: the yellow tube is actually cobalt blue.

I've also started sharing this blog automatically via notes on Facebook. I hope people find it interesting enough to read!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Today was a half day in the studio. My only goal was to repaint the PBR cans, which I did to some success.

Ill have to spend a second session to do the text, however. They're not ad fluidly rendered as the acrylic version, but the value is more accurate and the reds and blues are suitably intense ... an experiment, for now. Still a bloody challenge to paint though, there is very little definition to work with.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Continued refinement of my sack.

Another late start today... but I got my shit together in the end and mostly finished the hue modification of the still life. Im still not really happy with the colors, I originally envisioned the thing being more or less trichromatic. I may end up bluing out the deep shadows. Im torn between doing whats best for the painting and doing whats most compatible with the year-old self portrait. I'd rather not revisit that painting despite its various ... issues. The drapery is also becoming problematic.... its far too plain. Issues, issues.... I have until Saturday or Sunday to sort out my thoughts on the matter.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Testing a blog update via my droid...

Pretty nuts! And a bangin' sack... in my opinion. Day 3 of resumed work on part two of my irreverent self portrait. I regret that I can't work again until Thursday. The palette started to come together today, it's getting pushed in the warmer direction of the Trinity painting which will ultimately hang above it. The big challenge has been and will continue to be the clothing on both dolls. Damn fashion whores.